Novant Health Counseling Services adheres to North Carolina state statutes and the American Counseling Association’s Code of Ethics. Information shared with your counselor is held in strict confidence and limits to confidentiality are addressed at the initiation of services as other times as needed. Without written consent, your counselor will not disclose to anyone any information regarding your care.
If you are over 18 years of age, this confidentiality agreement also means that the Counseling Staff cannot communicate with your parents without your signed consent and without reason to communicate with your parent(s). Counseling records are kept separate from educational and student health records.
There are some limits to confidentiality, which include:
1. Duty to warn “when a client’s condition indicates that there is clear and imminent danger to the client or others, the licensed counselor must take reasonable personal action or inform reasonable authorities” (ACA Code of Ethics, Section B.2.a.).
2. When the abuse of a child, elder, disabled person is suspected.
3. When disclosure is made necessary by a court order that is signed by a judge.