Academic Programs
English and Writing Studies

The English and Writing Studies program is purposefully integrated to allow students to develop critical and ethical thinking skills in a variety of contexts: studying and writing about English language literature through historical, social, intellectual, and aesthetic lenses and exploring literature by women and writers from diverse cultures. Salem offers a bachelor of arts in English and Writing Studies. The English major offers concentrations in English and Professional Writing, or English and Creative Writing. The program also offers minors in English, Professional Writing, and Creative Writing.
Student Experience
Students in this program are smart, socially conscious women who bring a keen awareness of their obligation to leave the space in which they live better than they found it. Each year several English students graduate with departmental honors, and many participate in such activities as Sigma Tau Delta, the English Honor Society and as writing consultants in the Salem College Writing Center.
Health Leadership Highlights
- Students engage with notions of health and well being in all English and Writing Studies classes.
- In both the introductory “Reading and Writing in English Studies” (ENGL104) and “Senior Capstone” (ENGL380) classes, students create “Well Being Journals” and participate in explicit discussions about connections between writing and health.
- All of the Creative Writing coursework engages with the practices of narrative medicine,including reflective writing and revision, as well as empathetic thinking through the composition and constructive critique of original work.
Jobs and Outcomes
Graduates of Salem’s English and Writing Studies program are in demand because of their ability to write well, think critically, and effectively interpret written communication. They are sought after by graduate schools and law schools, and often teach in public schools, community colleges, and four-year colleges. Recent graduates are also working as editors, published authors, and in both public relations and human resources.
Program Leadership